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Gansu Lixinyuan microsilica Co. Ltd.

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microsilica silic fume
microsilica silic fume
Specification: SiO2 85% - 92%
Detail: the silica fume, which is a byproduct of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. Silicon metal and alloys are produced in electric furnaces. The raw materials are quartz, coal, and woodchips. The smoke that results fro...

microsilica silic fume
microsilica silic fume
Specification: SiO2 85% - 92%
Detail: the silica fume, which is a byproduct of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. Silicon metal and alloys are produced in electric furnaces. The raw materials are quartz, coal, and woodchips. The smoke that results fro...
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